Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Multicooker Oatmeal

Greetings Awesome Ones,

Here I present to you another one of my favorite breakfasts, namely oat meal.

Oats are an outstanding source of fiber and slow-burning carbs and therefore, keep you full for a long time, give you loads of energy and contribute to weight loss. Apart from that, they're full of nutrients you'd want to take in for breakfast - the list of vitamins and minerals and amino acids in them is so fucking long, I'm too lazy to type it in. Seriously, google that shit.

I usually eat oats uncooked, just soaked in almond or rice milk or yogurt but since it's winter and since I bought a Multicooker, I decided to cook an oat meal and see what that's like.

Since I've never cooked oat meal on the stove before, I will give you only the Multicooker recipe for which I followed the basic instructions in the Multicooker's recipe booklet with some of my own tweaks.

So here goes :)


2 cups of Oats
1 tb spoon Sesame seeds
1 tb spoon Flax seeds
2 large Apples, diced
1 handful of Dried fruit of your choice. Make sure they have no added sugar! I personally don't like raisins so I used dried cherries.
1 handful of Raw nuts of your choice
2 tb spoons Honey or maple syrup
1 tea spoon Cinnamon

4 cups of Water
1/2-1 cup Plant milk. I used rice milk with coconut and it really enhanced the flavor pretty well.

Put everything except the plant milk in the Multicooker and set the program to STEAM, cooking time 20 mins.

Since the flax seed absorb A LOT of water and have that gooey coating when soaked, like the chia seeds, you may want to check if the oat meal needs more water every now and again. I used a little less water and my oat meal's texture was somewhat like a pudding :)

5 minutes before the cooking time is over, add the milk and stir a bit.

When it's done, serve with banana slices on top and enjoy :) The leftovers can stay in the fridge for 3-4 days.

My pudding-like oatmeal

With Love,

Your Tomato Monster

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