Thursday, January 7, 2016

Breakfast for Champions!

Hey Lovelies!

So, I recently started drinking raw vegan protein shakes with Sun Warrior raw vegan protein (chocolate flavor) ( and totally fell in love with them!

This protein is perfect as a pre-workout, as well as a post-workout drink, so you can reap the benefits no matter what time of day your workout is. For example, during the working days, I drink it as post-workout because I workout too early and don't have the time to drink it and wait for some time before my workout. When I'm not working, I drink it as pre-workout and here's what happens:

The coolest thing is that you don't crash when it "wears off" because the ingredients are all natural and it doesn't really wear off; this is obviously a huge benefit compared to supplements with mainly lab-derived nutrients.

Anyways, after trying it a couple of times as kind of a hot chocolate, blended with almond milk, I decided it was time for spicing it up a bit. Thus the protein breakfast smoothie was born! And nooow... *drumroll*


2 cups of water and 2 table spoons of yoghurt
2 cups of your favorite plant/nut milk (I personally like almond milk and rice with coconut)

1 ripe banana
1 handful of fresh or frozen strawberries, whichever is available (NOTE: If you use frozen strawberries, make sure your blender can crush ice, otherwise the blades might be damaged)

Flax seed and sesame seed - 1 tb. spoon of each
2 tb. spoons chia seed
1 handful of raw cacao beans
1 SCOOP of your favorite protein powder.
Put it all in the blender and voila! You have a super tasty, healthy breakfast, packed with nutrients which will give you a nitro-boost for the day! 

This smoothie also has few calories and will satisfy your hunger for hours, so it is perfect for weight loss.
Let me know what you think in the comment section!

Enjoy your day and stay strong :)

With Love,
Your Tomato Monster

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